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Setting up
2 min

Instructions on how to set up your RelaGit for your development environment.


In order to use RelaGit, you must have git installed and in your PATH. You can check if you have git installed by running the below in your terminal. If you do not have git installed, you can download it here.

Check if git is installed
git --version

External Editors

If you want to use an editor integration, you must also have the editor in question installed and it’s respective cli tool in your PATH. For example, if you want to use the VSCode integration, you must have VSCode installed and the code command in your PATH.

You can check if you have the command in your PATH by running the below command(s) and replacing <editor> with either code | code-insiders | atom | subl | codium | fleet | zed. If you do not have the command in your PATH, you can add it by following the instructions given by the editor’s documentation.

Check if code is in PATH
which <editor> # Linux / macOS where <editor> # Windows


RelaGit comes with an option to credit RelaGit client as the committer (not author!) of your commits. This helps us to get more visibility and doesn’t impact your git history.

If you want to enable this feature, you can head over to settings ⌘, in RelaGit and enable the Annotate Commits option under the Commits tab.